Well, I have finally recovered from
ArtPrize '09! For those of you that don't know,
ArtPrize was a HUGE international art contest here in Grand Rapids, MI. The grand prize was $250,000!!!! Can you imagine how many stamps I could buy with that!!! I didn't win, bummer for my stamp collection. Actually, I had no thoughts of winning. I was just so pleased to be a part of it. The competition was steep even to find a venue to show your piece in, there were hundreds of artists that were not selected by a venue that missed out. So me and 1,200+ of my closest artist friends were there! Here are some pictures of my entry "Urbanity"

I should add too that I work as a counselor in an very urban alternative high school. I wanted my students to be involved in my piece. So, they were asked to write on a strip of paper what they felt their barrier was, something that was a struggle or happened to them that effects them still. They were so excited to be a part of it that even some of my students that I usually don't talk with went down and saw my piece on their own time. The purpose of my piece was to bring awareness of what urban teens witness and go through in their life's so that we can build them up, break down the barriers, and help them through their issues.