Saturday, July 18, 2009

Roving Classes ** Something NEW!

Ok, I am so tired of the old school SU! workshop.  Don't get me wrong if that is the "style" you would like for your workshop I will gladly do it, but I am ready for a CHANGE!  
Each month I will focus on a new project.  Think SU! class in your home (if you don't have the room in your home we can hold the class at my home).  Instead you you having to come over to my house for a class, I will come to you!  All you have to do is provide the space, maybe a snack and drink, if you want to or not.  
The classes will take about 1 1/2 hours, we will start on time and finger cross end on time!  
Questions that you might have:
What do I need to have for the class?  Nothing else besides space I will bring all supplies.  
Will it cost me to hold a roving class?  Nope!!!  For now I will be providing these classes for free to my customers and hostesses.  
How many people do I have to have at my class?  The more the merrier!  Ideally at least 3 people and lets say not more than 12, unless you have a really big room!  :) Everyone will need amble space and a seat, so you decide how many you can fit. 
Can I still order from the catalog at a class?  OF COURSE and the best part is if its at your house (or your the hostess) you will get all the hostess benefits just like an old-school workshop.  
When will I know what the project will be?  You will know when you "book" your class.  If there is a special theme let me know and we can see what I can do.  
Contact me to pick YOUR date and time!  :)
Happy Stamping!

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